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    Phone Gohar on 0414964810 or Tony 0414964800 | Email:

    Contact Gohar on 0414964810 or Tony 0414964800 for information on our sight seeing tours to Canberra

    Around and About Bus Hire Tours offers our customers a great one day tour experience to Canberra, our nation’s capital.

    Canberra offers the traveler a variety of special attractions not to be found elsewhere in Australia.

    National gallery of Australia the centre piece for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander art, Asian art, Australian art, photography and international art mixed with a wonderful display of exhibitions.

    Australian War Memorial is a must visit to experience the war time history of Australia including the hall of memory and The Tomb of the Unknown Australian soldier.

    Our new Parliament House with its modern state of the art design that houses the Australian Parliament covers 32 hectares of Capital Hill and was built on one of the hills in which Walter Burley Griffin designed Canberra in 1912.

    Old Parliament House

    You can visit our original Parliament House which was opened in 1927 which was the centre of decision making that fueled the most important changes in our history and remains to day a Museum of Australian Heritage.

    National Library of Australia houses the most important collection of papers, book, maps and photos as well as musical documents.

    Here you can explore our photographic history.


    Discover the magic of hot air ballooning over the skies of picturesque Canberra taking in the garden sights and the beautiful design that has made our capital of Australia unique.

    Let Around and About Bus Hire Tours help you take to the skies over Canberra in a spectacular hot air balloon ride.

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